Welcome to the practice of Drs. John and Alieta Eck, Dr. Ara Apelian and Dr. Lisa Bryhn. Since 1988, we have prided ourselves in providing personalized care using our wealth of experience to diagnose and treat our patients. We want to be your doctors, not doctors hired by a health plan. When you come to our office, you see a board certified physician, not a “physician extender.” Once you are a part of our practice, we are usually available to speak to you by phone, 24 hours a day for emergencies. Most patients can see one of us on the same day they make an appointment. If they cannot be seen, we will direct them with our best advice, sometimes with a telemedicine visit.

The COVID pandemic radically changed our practice, making telemedicine visits a popular option. However you choose to be seen, call us at 732-463-0303.

Should you need to be hospitalized, we can see you every day and coordinate your care. Dr. Ara Apelian goes to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Somerville and New Brunwick, NJ as well as St. Peter’s Hospital in New Brunswick. NJ. We believe that having a doctor who knows you see you while you are hospitalized, assures high-quality coordinated care. The specialists we choose are those who we would have treat our own families.

Although we are not enrolled in health plans, our patients find that we provide cost effective care at reasonable fees, so that most patients keep well below their deductibles. We understand the confusion that patients experience as they try to navigate the “system.” We try to ignore the “system,” and just treat you, the patient, keeping in mind that you expect value for your hard-earned money. Although we ask for payment up front, we will send your bill to your insurance company, so that our fee becomes part of your deductible. Our prescriptions are honored by the labs, radiology groups and pharmacies in your health plan.